Sunday, May 31, 2009

Beautiful day

Volunteer work went quick today. Chopped, sliced and diced and sealed pre-prepared meals. We had a huge group and we still had tons to do. At one point, around a little after 12, I found myself a little dizzy so I announced I was taking a quick break, and spent 10 minutes recharging in the kitchen with some nice cold soda I bought from the soda machine and munching on a slice of this rough delicious brown bread.

Then I went back downstairs to finish off my project and then before I knew it, we were wiping down counters, washing off our hands, and handing over our aprons. We were done. It was an amazing and satisfying feeling - a sense of happy accomplishment. I was one of the last three to leave as I was wiping down the last of the tables, and then it was signing out for the day and into the sunshine. I had been feeling hungry, so I made my way taking a casual walk down to Chinatown. There was a man selling bubble guns on a corner and the bubbles made me happy and I burst out laughing, admiring the sheer number of bubbles floating around me and others standing on the corner waiting for the light to change so we could cross. I took pictures with my cell phone, thanked the man and kept on going.

Before I knew it, I was in Little Italy and came upon an Italian festival. Wandering around, I snapped a few more pics before I came across a sign emblazoned with bragging rights to the best cannoli on planet earth. So of course that piqued my curiosity (as well as made me laugh out loud to the unapologetic tooting of one's horn on a food) and so I indulged in one of the big ones. It was crunchy and tasty, creamy, had what I think were chocolate chips. I never met a sweet I didn't like. As I walked, an old woman sat with her version of cannolis and we smiled and nodded at each other as she noticed what I was eating.

Kept moving, kept walking. Made it to Mott Street and picked up some food and then made my way to the train station. By the time I got home, I had to do some quick errands, like tumble drying my comforter. Finished at last, I didn't feel like going back out again, so I made sure to have a nice steak with onions done (I had been talking about wanting a steak earlier while chopping veggies and smelling the others cut fresh onions nearby). Also had tostones. Deeelicious!

Overall, a very hearty and busy day. And on to auditions, which are still on-going. :-)

Friday, May 29, 2009

feeling buzzed and excited

Got some interesting news today. I'm going to be an aunt again. Pretty exciting. Of course I passed the information on and got congratulated.

Besides that, auditions are on the horizon once again. I can breathe a sigh of relief in a way. Got a callback for a job that I originally auditioned for over a month ago. I'm totally psyched and grateful that I was pro-active and sent a polite email inquiry to them last week asking about status. I'll be playing a young mom who is suffering from some unknown ailment. It's a commercial so I'll be definitely the focus. I'm totally psyched, oh yeah, I said that already!

Another audition is for a sexy latina -- and I know I got the curves and attitude for it. I had to send a full body shot along with my headshot. It's informal but I'm dressed nicely and I'm smiling nicely too, so I'm fine on sending a copy of it on.

I also have to remind myself that I need to send a headshot to two agencies I have my eye on and hopefully all will be well that I'll get an interest and a phone call from them. I also have been looking to update my headshot without it costing me a mini-fortune. Continue to troll ads.

Can't sleep from the excitement. Watching Radio Days. A fave movie of mine.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

energy at home is weird

It feels like something is going to hit the fan. The vibe at home feels kind of down. There's a low drone. Sometimes things feel like they're closing in all around. Claustrophobic choking feeling. Everyone seems to be in a weird mood. I keep reminding myself that this too, shall pass. Today the weather is on the cool side but grey. I don't mind if it rains today.

Checked my emails and submitted away for potential gigs. So far, no reply. Will keep on keeping on and stay the course. Keep focus.

Monday, May 25, 2009

saw old footage of myself performing

with a guitar and someone backing me on an electric piano. wow. I remember.

holiday weekend and communication

Enjoyed a nice weekend, even the rain that came yesterday was a welcome respite. Of course attended a BBQ and stuffed myself to the gills. Appreciated the sunset and toasted to those who are no longer with us. Got word from my agent that they were looking for me for a gig, and had tried to call me, but says my phone was 'disconnected'. Huh? My phone was on along with my backup phone -- and my home phone is rerouted to my cell phone when I'm out and about in case someone tries to reach me at home for a potential gig. Plus my email dings to my phone in case my agent's looking for me or sends me something via email, specifically the agent. So I was a bit surprised to see the agent's message, and wrote back stating that my phone(s) were on, working, and so was my email connection to my phone, and perhaps it was just a misdial.

Strange. Tonight I saw a sliver of the new moon -- on Monday.

Walked the dog at sunset -- the dog was beyond thrilled. Tomorrow it's back to the work week and continuing to look for work. Looking to pull two more gigs for this week before the month comes to an end.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


There's a line I would crack from time to time, that waivers are like unicorns -- you've heard of them, you just never actually saw one. Today's mail arrived -- the check from the Michael & Michael shoot. A waiver was inside. They only include the sheet from the voucher you originally signed on when you get one. And there it was.

I immediately thought of the BG'er who died. I remembered how another BG'er had recently been discussed with myself and this fellow BG'er and another about yet another BG'er who seemed a bit laid back on pursuing their acting career. And how this laidback BG'er's phone rang as we were all at the funeral -- and had landed a U-5 role, this laid back BG'er's first!

And we wondered then as I wondered now -- if our dearly departed BG'er was working on our behalf to help us get closer to our goals.

I see the one who was with the BG'er -- on facebook. Former love. I'm hesitant to contact them. Seems a bit awkward to do so. Ah, life's too short. We'll see what happens.

Tomorrow I attend a friend's BBQ and intend to relax and enjoy myself and not worry about anything. Must learn to embrace life and enjoy.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Change of pace

The finished area that we did.
Lower East Side flavor, color in garden design.

Planting beautiful color in the garden.

Coleus, one of my favorite plants.

The end result? a beautiful garden enjoyed by neighborhood.

Still in thoughts about the fellow BGer's funeral, I decided to get out of the house if I couldn't get out of my mind and distract myself by going to see a movie. It was close to 10 pm as I headed out on my spur of the moment decision, after watching the sun go down. I had refused to turn on a light but had to in order to change out of my mourning clothes and into a pair of jeans and a more lively color of dark pink for the blouse and headed out in sneakers to midtown manhattan to catch the last showing of the evening. At the last second, I decided to go with Angels and Demons instead of Star Trek. The movie was pretty faithful to the book although I may have to re-read the last couple chapters of the book on some of the sequences that the professor, I thought, was supposed to be doing or had done and it was slightly tweaked for someone else. I don't want to give too much away, but I had thought the professor did not succeed in saving any of the hostages' lives. It moved pretty fast, a bit jumbly, jaunty. And I didn't like the professor too much in this one -- he seemed a bit too haughty and big for his britches which was not there before. There was a lot of explaining at the beginning of the movie for those who are slow to follow or for the five people who haven't read the book all these years.

Dan Brown's latest Professor L. book gets released sometime this September. I may read it.

Today I went to go to my latest volunteer project -- working in community gardens. I went to pull weeds, dig, plant petunias, begonias, and various other plants and flowers, plus add mulch and water. The earth felt good in my gloved hands and smelled rich and dark. They use organic soil (what else is there I wondered inwardly). As the day progressed, we took a break and went to another garden two blocks away to mow its lawn with this new electrical mower which had power and did the job with less noise and was light as a feather being mostly plastic, which to me was impressive.

We got a lot done considering it was only three people. Got a free lunch and plenty of water and gatorade to quench my thirst in the hot sun. You could feel the steam coming off the soil after watering it and the sun warming the soil. I had fun, got my mind cleared a bit, and enjoyed the day despite the hard work. I felt I got something accomplished and helped make something more beautiful. I will be back to volunteer on this again.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

thoughts about life

In my room, the sun setting on another day, which turned out sunny, beautiful and gorgeous. A perfect day for a funeral.

Made it back home. It's been several hours now. Still in my black dress. My feet, no longer stocking'd, are tucked under me as I type this. Today was a sad day with some smiles of remembrances. I didn't have anything to say. I wrote what I wanted to say to the boy, the one who is left without his parent, who looked still in shock as he continues to process his still-new grief.

Everyone made small talk and I just wanted to close my eyes and feel the breeze on my face. Going there I got a bit queasy, and I was sitting in the back with no air conditioning. Grateful for the ride, I kept my mouth shut but the woman sitting next to me noticed I was looking a little green from the lack of a cool breeze.

I made it to the place without having to get sick but I was a little wobbly which was also noticed. I straightened myself out and a group of us went to the ladies' room to freshen up and relieve our bladders. We made it back just as they were starting to talk about the BG'er who passed away. There were fun stories, some laughter, some tears. A lot of people had something to say. I noticed that some of the closer friends and family seemed to be a little annoyed at how long they had to listen to some people talk, but thankfully they didn't say anything beyond exchanging looks and raised eyebrows and sighs. For those in our group who were a little wobbly making their speeches, I was there to support as best I could and stood by them. I was fine with writing what I had to say to the boy in the card that was bought and passed around for us BG'ers to sign for him. I don't know if the kid will see it, or read it, or even appreciate it. I have no idea what it is to lose a parent as a kid. I have no idea. I worry about him. I know he has a lot of family and friends and yet I still worry. I shook his hand before I left, because I thought it was very inappropriate for us BG'ers who didn't really know him, to be hugging him or prattling on about working some gig with his parent. I just felt it was out of place and that the kid would just be too overwhelmed to care.

Someone brought up about taking pictures at the ceremony, and I didn't answer yes or no to it. All I did say is if they were to do it, they had to be discreet. Another stated that it was not appropriate and to wait until after it was done. I don't know if any pictures were taken by these people subsequently. I was too wrapped up in what was truly jarring for me. Seeing the casket go down into the hole in the ground. And the cemetary people only start putting the soil back on top to bury the casket when we left. For some reason I was fine until then.

Afterward, a quick jaunt to the family house where there was plenty of food and drink while people watched family home movies on a large television screen while others milled about in the patio in the backyard and marvelled at the trees and fresh air and made some more small talk.

Some of us finally took some group pictures. I heard some people saying they were happy and had felt at peace being able to say goodbye officially. More laughter. And someone saying that they felt the BG'er's presence during the laughter. And then it was over. We said our lingering goodbyes and soon found ourselves piled back into the cars to take us back home. And the sun kept shining, the sky was so blue and the air smelled of green and trees. Again I have a great memory of this BG'er.

I just want to write it down in a futile weak attempt to remember it all with these sparse wordings to trigger the memories in full color in my dreams for now and in the future.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Grim day

Getting mentally prepared for the funeral for the fellow BG'er who passed away last week.

I'm not sure why we all have to dress in black considering how the person in question was anything but dowdy. I think the BG'er would have appreciated some color. The weather is supposed to be sunny and in the mid 80 degrees. Yipes.

I'm trying not to dwell on this, and I don't want to be seen as cruel or mean. The bottom line is, that life is to be cherished and death is not to be feared as it's a part of life. And I see a lot of scared people. Will carry some tissues and pray I don't come across as cold or overly hysterical.

I will not bring a camera. It's just too tacky, in my opinion. And I just don't want it to be my last memory of this person. I think I will just be quiet and observe.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Beautiful day

Slept in today but still had time to enjoy the weather. Took dog to the vet and am now $200.00 poorer but she's up to date with her shots and was given a clean bill of health. She's getting older so her joints are starting to bother her a bit, but other than that, she's healthy and I'm delighted.

After the visit, the dog and I took a walk for a few blocks to enjoy the weather. Once I got home, I cleaned her up and then went to get some lunch while my aunt stayed with the dog.

No gigs today but I'm grateful since yesterday seemed to have taken a bit out of me. I slept soundly so that was nice. I'm looking to get a gig set up for tomorrow and Friday/Saturday. Feeling good.

UPDATE: have a go-see tomorrow. Let's see how I feel tomorrow.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Is this fall or spring?

Inbetween takes for The Sorcerer's Apprentice. Nope, Nicholas Cage was not in this scene.

Interesting looking dragon-esque "S" for Sorcerer's Apprenctice.

The tag we had to have on us in order to go in and out of the building we had for holding.

Holding area was a newly constructed area which equalled a cover of fine white dust everywhere.

It's May, I kept telling myself. Wouldn't know it by the wind. Luckily for today's shoot I had to wear a winter coat, which I wore mine quite happily. We shot by the water near the Staten Island Ferry Terminal. We had like 20 kids with us to shoot a scene of a windblown paper. The general mood was fine despite my not really knowing anybody there and only slightly knowing one other person that I met for the first time on last Tuesday's gig.

We didn't get to hang but did talk briefly about the week's happenings -- the passing of a fellow BG'er and then we moved on. I hung out with a couple of ladies who were pretty nice to me. So we talked and the time flew. Breakfast and lunch were served, both hot. Both pretty filling, can't complain. Plus when there was downtime, there was a well stocked snack table filled with various cookies, fresh fruit, pasta, coffee, tea, popcorn, chips, soda, water.

Here was a fellow BG'er's lunch.

This was my lunch. I got the slice of beef (tender and delicious) and grilled spiced salmon, steamed veggies and a littel bit of rice. I finished it off with a cup of iced tea (not too sweet which was nice too).

We were in at 7 am and out by least I hope that's what they'll adjust on my voucher.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

today was a blur of activity

Went to a favorite restaurant to eat and catch up with a man I consider like a second father. We had a nice time, and the food of course, was delicious. After running some errands including looking for a particular shampoo and conditioner (and not finding it), I made my way home and started getting birthday dinner ready for my aunt. My cousin had told me my aunt made a mention of how she would really like that shrimp scampi I made for her before, so I wanted to make a nice treat. I picked up the rest of my ingredients today and had started up the stove, getting the ingredients one by one into the pan. Just as I was getting the shrimp ready to put in the hot pan along with the fresh garlic flavored olive oil, I heard my aunt making a loud protesting voice and my cousin quickly came into the kitchen and asked if I had started the shrimp and I confirmed I had not but was about to. I was then told that my aunt was already making plans for the shrimp to cook them for herself and that she had readied them to eat for the next day. I turned off the stove on the oil and asked my cousin to watch the other pot that was cooking away the side dish to complement the scampi and quickly gathered the ingredients and went to my room.

The claim later was that my aunt was worried that her son would grab them from her and she didn't want to share, which was fine, because I bought just enough as a generous portion for her as I know how much she loves shrimp. I felt bad. But my cousin explained it was more that her brother would be indulging and he isn't a small person. So my aunt said she would eat it and enjoy it when she was sure her son was not around the house. So she sent my cousin to tell me this so I wouldn't feel so bad. I'm like, OK.

Thoughts of a fellow BGer that died the other day -- the enlarged heart. I look at the last pictures I have of her, taken this week, two days before her death. I'm just in awe of her and feel genuinely sad. I'm grateful to have known her for the short time I had with her.

After watering my fresh herbal garden, I'm going to get fresh ice for my soda, take some of my new vitamins and enjoy the rest of my day. Watching a Stevie Nicks concert on t.v. Magical, right?

Friday, May 15, 2009

sad news

Just got word from a fellow BG'er that another BG'er was found dead in her apartment yesterday. I refused to believe it and asked this BG'er if she had her number to call her, and see who picks up. I'll call her N. She considered it, and I could sense N. really didn't want to call, but what other choice did we have other than to sit and wait and speculate ourselves into a tizzy?

I waited about ten minutes, maybe fifteen then called back. Although N. didn't say if she called the number, she relayed another BG'er was calling her in a state of distress, about the one who died. The husband had been calling her and the calls went unanswered so he went over to her place and found her dead.

A part of me is still finding this hard to believe, this woman who was literally so vibrant and full of life. I always thought when I would hear this from other testimonials on others who died, that it was a cliche and that they had run out of original things to say. Instead, I know that it's true. She was bawdy, had no filter, and would say things that another person would not get away with. She made me laugh. She shared the same philosophy about the world, that it was magical, that everything happened for a reason, that if you want something, you just need to focus on that and work on making it come to you. She told me during one of our conversations just two days ago that she felt she and I were alike in our thought and energy regarding working towards our goals. I remember it felt good to hear that and I agreed with her. We were talking with another BG'er who was struggling to find her way and I remember how the struggling BGer linked us all together as we walked to set, arm linked to another's back as we walked three abreast.

When I heard the news initially I thought it was a joke. A brutal nasty messedup joke from some prankster that had nothing else better to do. But it seems to be true. And I am just looking at this muggy day and wondering. Another situation that drives the point home. Life's too short to be miserable. Find ways to enjoy it while you can.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

doing happy dance

Well, I lost a potential gig today after getting caught in the rain and dealing with delayed trains due to flooding. I went home, frantically texting underground and hoping to catch a stray signal that I would not be able to make it and why. Later on, my phone rang, and I got a call for a gig on Monday! I'm ecstatic! opportunity goes by....and another comes in. Can't complain.
I realized there are five movies I want to see this summer:
Star Trek
Angels & Demons
Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey Jr. -- mmmmm!)

Today was my aunt's b-day and we cut a cake, it was fresh and delicious -- so the day ended on an even higher note.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Prospect Park gig

I love this shot the most -- very surreal, just like the gig itself.

It's all about the rabbit. Fun mascot!

Worked at a gig in Prospect Park yesterday and it was a fun one. It was a comedy and a bit surreal. The weather was great to shoot outdoors and the production company fed us well. It was not a boring gig. It was an early morning call though, 6 am, and there was a bit of a challenge to find the crew who were in the park, as we were given the impression they were 'just inside the park' as if nearby. It was actually a good several minutes walking before we found them and only after asking directions of people inside the park walking their dogs and calling the production office to see where exactly this production crew was at since it was obvious they were much deeper into the park than we were led to think.
Most of us were a couple of minutes late to get there but it was pretty organized as far as getting our paperwork, filling it out and then going off to breakfast, some of which was made to order at a truck and it was nice to have a hot breakfast. Then we filmed for several hours and then hung out as the crew decided their next move, then broke for lunch which was also delicious. We had a choice of breaded chicken, pork and fish, along with fresh and cooked veggies. Dessert was there too and I appreciated the lemonade and sweet iced tea. After getting a bottle of water, we soon headed back to set and the overall vibe was very good.
The critical scene was finally being set up and it only took about four or five takes and we were done. We had to change clothes for the next scene -- and as we gathered for it, we were told it was wrapped! We started hustling back and got signed out relatively quickly and smoothly. I thanked John, the man that was signing us out and went on my way home. It was barely 5 pm.
The train ride was relatively quick and it wasn't as crowded as I had feared it would be, seeing it was rush hour. Checked email, called casting to let them know my availability was free for tomorrow if they needed me, took a shower and called it an early night.

Monday, May 11, 2009


A fellow actor recently reminded me of a situation that all actors face at one time or another -- a casting call gone awry.

My story is simple enough but with no happy ending. A woman had placed an ad looking for people, and was very general in her post. It was an open casting call, (or cattle call as I've mentioned somewhere here before) and I took a chance on it, despite the lateness of the casting call time. I had only done one other late night casting call and for that, I got an actual paying gig out of it. So despite my initial misgivings, I ignored my inner voice and decided why not.

When I got there, there was no surefire way of knowing I was at the right spot. I showed the address to a person who worked at the place next door and they had no idea as to where that address would be located. I had arrived a good almost half hour early, so I waited patiently and glanced around to see who else would be showing up. No one came up or down the street unless it was to walk to the other end of the block and cross that street. No one went into any buildings on that block unless it was to the bar that I was sitting in waiting.

Two women furtively came out, pointing and smiling towards me as if they were observing me. Then they disappeared as I walked towards them. I waited another fifteen minutes then another five when I went to stand outside to see if any line had started forming. No one was there.

I found it very odd. I reluctantly went home and checked my email, since no one knew what I was talking about and I had a feeling I had just been played. The address was the one I had been given by this woman in a prior communication. Odd. I emailed a note to the woman, stating that there must have been a miscommunication as I was at the location and no one showed up. I never got a response to clear things up. When I relayed this later to a friend, I was advised that it may have been a scam as not much information could be found online about this woman.

I wanted to know why all the secrecy and drama and why waste my money. I had thought about writing her up and reporting her but I had no idea as to how to go about it. Then I recalled an incident where an actor wrote in their blog about a situation that they were displeased about regarding a casting call and that's when a lightbulb went up.

So Jennifer Kastner, if you really are an agent and legit at that, why haven't you responded to my inquiry? Why do I have a feeling it was you standing there checking me out wth your friend like we were right out of high school? I'm a professional actor looking for work, so why are you wasting my hard earned transportation money and time standing around waiting in a bar location for you? Then NOT answer my inquiring follow-up email?

Whew. Glad to get that out in the open.

gig tomorrow - woo hoo!

Got a phone call earlier about a gig for tomorrow. Feeling good. Checked my email quick. Went out to walk the dog, run some errands and pick up some lunch. Got back and submitted for some more gigs for later this week. Crossing my fingers.

I'm submitting for more work and things will come. I tried to cheer up a fellow BG who seemed a bit scattered and frustrated.

Over the weekend, re-connected with a good friend and did some volunteer work. Overall a very productive weekend and a good start to the workweek. We'll see how things go.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Submitting like mad

Found a few things and have been submitting to them. I am looking for things to improve. Got emails from some fellow BGers and answered them accordingly. Looking out my window, I see grey skies and wonder about when it's going to rain. Guess I'll wear my boots today. The flat ones, I'm not getting overly fancy here.

I slept in, woke up around 6 then went back to sleep to wake up at 10:30 then closer to 12 noon. Checked my email and phone and then went about getting ready for my day. Will pull on jeans but have no idea on a top. I want to be relaxed yet look sharp. Don't think I have anything like that in my closet though. Sigh.

Feeling kind of lethargic. Took a long hot shower. Not much of a change in the energy though.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Quiet day

Things are quiet today. Woke late. Didn't matter, as I wasn't called for any last-minute gigs today. I did find out that a gig I put in that would take place Monday has been yanked. Disappointed, I thought I'd be working Monday. So I scour ads and look at what I can scramble to get on for Monday. So far have not heard anything from the auditions I have done. Trying to stay positive.

Walked the dog. She's happy. Will go out later to run some errands. Right now the house is quiet, everyone is out. I'm kind of reveling in the quiet. Soaps are on. My guilty pleasure.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Today's shoot

On the Forensics shoot, direction is given as to how to conduct the scene between the 'new tenants' and the 'investigator'.
Location of first scene in Jersey. Local diner.

Article on the true life crime that we were re-enacting.

Despite the rain and other delays, the shoot still managed to take place. My scenes were able to be completed -- I had about five segments to do altogether. I felt bad because I won't be able to watch my new actor-buddy do his scene where he gets 'offed' by his 'greedy roommates'.
Overall, it was a very productive day. I can't wait to see it. I understand it will air sometime in July-August. Like everything else I've done -- I have YET to have anything for my reel! *LOL*
Not worried. It'll all come together. I'm psyched and I'm working as an actor and that's all that matters.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Got a call for an audition!

Had to squash other plans in order to attend audition. AUGH! It was fun though -- I had to play an Italian American young mom who had two kids and had to fix them lunch. Funny! Because I was trying to hide the nutritional value in one of the foods they were eating so I had to improv. That was fun, actually.

They (the CD's) seemed to dig it, so I smiled, said thank you, left them my headshot and contact info and headed out. It felt good, I was floating.

Got a call regarding the Forensics show, they were just calling to touch base and re-confirm everything. What's funny is they had contacted me yesterday but had misdialed so they shot me an email saying to call them. When I did, that's when we were able to determine that they had misdialed by one digit.

Today they send the email to an address by adding an extra letter that shouldn't have been. They were surprised it didn't bounce back to them, but I wasn't. It happens. So they re-sent it and I got it. So all's well. I did tease a little about what happened yesterday and now today, and we laughed a bit, hopefully it wasn't a big deal. Could this be a sign of something going wrong? Dunno...
Noticed that next week's episode of Cupid, I'm featured! Totally psyched and will record. Okay, so I don't have lines as a BG, but what the hell, why not. Exciting!

I found that a gig I did a couple of months ago was online or will be. Not sure. But I just wanted to post the pic, just in case.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Attending an open casting call...

Grant Wilfley is having an open call and I am going to get myself there in order to get onto the latest Martin Scorsese project that he's doing for HBO. I don't have the 1920's body, but I will make do. They had some fuller figures back then anyways, so we'll see what happens.

I'm not worried. Staying positive and moving forward. No one won what they wanted by being shy or fearful or not taking that chance. Life's too short.

Got word

I'm confirmed for the role of Jan in a show called Extreme Forensics. I'm pretty excited about it. I will be the victim's girlfriend in one of the cases featured. I think I'll be a scheming type and/or a dumb type, so we'll see what happens. I don't know if I'll play it against that guy that I auditioned with, I just hope the final guy I play with is very cute.

I will be in two critical scenes, I'm told. I have yet to see the email regarding further information, but it was nice to talk over the phone about it. I'm psyched, I really am.

I've looked up information about the show and about the production in general and it seems like something that will be seen globally as opposed to just in America. That'll be awesome.

Meanwhile, I have another piece with National Geographic that I know will be shown globally and I can't wait to get ahold of the final version to put in my reel along with the crime reenactment piece I did for a Japanese television show.

I keep hoping....

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Feeling tired yet good

Waiting in yet another holding in BG land...

The Samsung gig went well. Although check-in was at 8:30 AM, we didn't get to actual set until 2 PM or so. They fed us a light snack for the morning and then for lunch they served pizza which was cool. Did OK until the final half hour, as I was in heels and the fronts of my toes were starting to hurt. We managed to get through crossing the street several times near Times Square and high-fiving each other as we passed each other on the crosswalk. That was the whole scene.

We had fun people in the group who helped keep the energy pumped up. It was good.
There was this cute guy there but it seems he was also a charmer to a lot of the women there who seemed to be asking for his number. We were given a check when we finished the day. That was a nice ending. I just found out a BG friend will be working it tomorrow. Darn! I put the check aside. I will leave it for when I run my errands. Tomorrow seems to be a quiet day. I have yet to unpack the rest of my clothes but I am sooo tired yet content. I continue to look online for work. Called and found the casting message hadn't been updated since Sunday.

Realized the phone number had been changed for another casting place, so took that down and updated my phone. Trying to decide whether I will work another gig -- I just may, but I need to know the transportation details. Will call tomorrow and find out the deal.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

on to another gig

Got called Saturday afternoon for a gig -- a Samsung commercial. I'm intrigued as to what I'd be doing. There's a lot of words but a whole lot of nothing in the wardrobe description, only the usual stay away from logos, stripes, prints, black and white thing. It's spring, warm but not too warm. I asked if it would be an outdoor shot, would I be a pedestrian, just to get some idea of the scene. They can only say so much, only they want to see how 'great' the clothes are as long as they're not flourescent or too wintry.


I packed some smart little jackets, and will throw on my 'skinny' jeans. As far as a top, I'm clueless but threw in a top for good measure. Will wear another top that's a dark blue and hope for the best. Interestingly, I'm breaking out in little bumps and can't figure out why.

Have yet to take a shower. Guess I should do that soon as it's an early morning call, 8:30, which isn't so bad. I've had earlier call times than that.

Friday, May 1, 2009

not too boring so far

The past two days found me working on set in Brighton Beach filming for a series called "Bored To Death", starring Jason Schwartzman (Darjeeling Express). He was amicable, and made small talk with the background actors and even asked our names, which was nice. We needed a way to pass the time. He talked up the pretty thin blond next to him, who had some interesting views about her fear of aging and that she was concerned she was not as thin as she could be. This was a very pretty and thin woman, who was concerned about her looks, and Jason was as gentlemanly as can be. I always wonder what these women see when they look in the mirror. Sometimes I wonder if they are just trying to get someone to say "oh that's so not true, you are gorgeous, you are doing great!" or if they truly don't see how pretty they are. Either way, it's a crime and a shame. I didn't say much but simply observed and kept my comments to myself. I tend to get into trouble when I don't.

Ironically, I couldn't help but notice all the tall pretty thin women that were on set, and here I am with my curvy self, that two of them could easily stand side by side to fill one of me. A lot of the men were paying attention to them and eyeing them. If one of the thin women seemed confused or stuck, it took seconds for one of the men if not a few to come to their rescue.

So I watched Jason as he talked up the blond at the table he was at, and thought, here's a guy who is average looking, reminds me a bit of Dustin Hoffman, who I think he admires anyway. Probably smart, seems engaging. And he's not looking at the 'average' girl but this beautiful thin tall blond who is preoccupied with, let's face it, shallow issues.

We want what we can't have. Or we let ourselves get lost in what we think we can acquire when we know what the price is going to be. Would Jason be able to talk to this girl, or better yet, would this girl give him the time of day if Jason wasn't in a starring role?

And I fold my napkin onto my lap and allow myself to observe, relax, and talk to fellow BG actors, some I've worked with before, and catch up with them, cracking jokes and listening to everyone's stories.

One BG actor did spiral out of control at one point when we were in holding because she was not getting the attention of this male BG actor who was sitting and talking to another. She got more aggressive towards him, first by interrupting his conversation and then by physically moving closer to him and in his face to get him to interact with her and he was not amused and kept on his conversation. She lost it by stating that everyone was jealous of her, no one cared about her, and she was "used to that". When another BG came over to have a seat, she tried to engage that person by stating along the lines that everyone at that table was against her, and nudged her chin towards the direction of the male actor. The male actor made a crack, "No wonder you never got any waivers," and she got up in a huff and left to complain to another passing BG actor. Nobody knew her, not even the one she tried to start an argument with, not the other passing BG actor she tried to get involved, or the one who sat at the table at the tail end of her dramatic speech before going off in a huff.

On a positive note -- my computer drive replacement came in, it's installed, and I'm up and running! YAYYY!!!