Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Beautiful day

Slept in today but still had time to enjoy the weather. Took dog to the vet and am now $200.00 poorer but she's up to date with her shots and was given a clean bill of health. She's getting older so her joints are starting to bother her a bit, but other than that, she's healthy and I'm delighted.

After the visit, the dog and I took a walk for a few blocks to enjoy the weather. Once I got home, I cleaned her up and then went to get some lunch while my aunt stayed with the dog.

No gigs today but I'm grateful since yesterday seemed to have taken a bit out of me. I slept soundly so that was nice. I'm looking to get a gig set up for tomorrow and Friday/Saturday. Feeling good.

UPDATE: have a go-see tomorrow. Let's see how I feel tomorrow.