Sunday, May 31, 2009

Beautiful day

Volunteer work went quick today. Chopped, sliced and diced and sealed pre-prepared meals. We had a huge group and we still had tons to do. At one point, around a little after 12, I found myself a little dizzy so I announced I was taking a quick break, and spent 10 minutes recharging in the kitchen with some nice cold soda I bought from the soda machine and munching on a slice of this rough delicious brown bread.

Then I went back downstairs to finish off my project and then before I knew it, we were wiping down counters, washing off our hands, and handing over our aprons. We were done. It was an amazing and satisfying feeling - a sense of happy accomplishment. I was one of the last three to leave as I was wiping down the last of the tables, and then it was signing out for the day and into the sunshine. I had been feeling hungry, so I made my way taking a casual walk down to Chinatown. There was a man selling bubble guns on a corner and the bubbles made me happy and I burst out laughing, admiring the sheer number of bubbles floating around me and others standing on the corner waiting for the light to change so we could cross. I took pictures with my cell phone, thanked the man and kept on going.

Before I knew it, I was in Little Italy and came upon an Italian festival. Wandering around, I snapped a few more pics before I came across a sign emblazoned with bragging rights to the best cannoli on planet earth. So of course that piqued my curiosity (as well as made me laugh out loud to the unapologetic tooting of one's horn on a food) and so I indulged in one of the big ones. It was crunchy and tasty, creamy, had what I think were chocolate chips. I never met a sweet I didn't like. As I walked, an old woman sat with her version of cannolis and we smiled and nodded at each other as she noticed what I was eating.

Kept moving, kept walking. Made it to Mott Street and picked up some food and then made my way to the train station. By the time I got home, I had to do some quick errands, like tumble drying my comforter. Finished at last, I didn't feel like going back out again, so I made sure to have a nice steak with onions done (I had been talking about wanting a steak earlier while chopping veggies and smelling the others cut fresh onions nearby). Also had tostones. Deeelicious!

Overall, a very hearty and busy day. And on to auditions, which are still on-going. :-)