Friday, May 22, 2009

Change of pace

The finished area that we did.
Lower East Side flavor, color in garden design.

Planting beautiful color in the garden.

Coleus, one of my favorite plants.

The end result? a beautiful garden enjoyed by neighborhood.

Still in thoughts about the fellow BGer's funeral, I decided to get out of the house if I couldn't get out of my mind and distract myself by going to see a movie. It was close to 10 pm as I headed out on my spur of the moment decision, after watching the sun go down. I had refused to turn on a light but had to in order to change out of my mourning clothes and into a pair of jeans and a more lively color of dark pink for the blouse and headed out in sneakers to midtown manhattan to catch the last showing of the evening. At the last second, I decided to go with Angels and Demons instead of Star Trek. The movie was pretty faithful to the book although I may have to re-read the last couple chapters of the book on some of the sequences that the professor, I thought, was supposed to be doing or had done and it was slightly tweaked for someone else. I don't want to give too much away, but I had thought the professor did not succeed in saving any of the hostages' lives. It moved pretty fast, a bit jumbly, jaunty. And I didn't like the professor too much in this one -- he seemed a bit too haughty and big for his britches which was not there before. There was a lot of explaining at the beginning of the movie for those who are slow to follow or for the five people who haven't read the book all these years.

Dan Brown's latest Professor L. book gets released sometime this September. I may read it.

Today I went to go to my latest volunteer project -- working in community gardens. I went to pull weeds, dig, plant petunias, begonias, and various other plants and flowers, plus add mulch and water. The earth felt good in my gloved hands and smelled rich and dark. They use organic soil (what else is there I wondered inwardly). As the day progressed, we took a break and went to another garden two blocks away to mow its lawn with this new electrical mower which had power and did the job with less noise and was light as a feather being mostly plastic, which to me was impressive.

We got a lot done considering it was only three people. Got a free lunch and plenty of water and gatorade to quench my thirst in the hot sun. You could feel the steam coming off the soil after watering it and the sun warming the soil. I had fun, got my mind cleared a bit, and enjoyed the day despite the hard work. I felt I got something accomplished and helped make something more beautiful. I will be back to volunteer on this again.