Friday, May 1, 2009

not too boring so far

The past two days found me working on set in Brighton Beach filming for a series called "Bored To Death", starring Jason Schwartzman (Darjeeling Express). He was amicable, and made small talk with the background actors and even asked our names, which was nice. We needed a way to pass the time. He talked up the pretty thin blond next to him, who had some interesting views about her fear of aging and that she was concerned she was not as thin as she could be. This was a very pretty and thin woman, who was concerned about her looks, and Jason was as gentlemanly as can be. I always wonder what these women see when they look in the mirror. Sometimes I wonder if they are just trying to get someone to say "oh that's so not true, you are gorgeous, you are doing great!" or if they truly don't see how pretty they are. Either way, it's a crime and a shame. I didn't say much but simply observed and kept my comments to myself. I tend to get into trouble when I don't.

Ironically, I couldn't help but notice all the tall pretty thin women that were on set, and here I am with my curvy self, that two of them could easily stand side by side to fill one of me. A lot of the men were paying attention to them and eyeing them. If one of the thin women seemed confused or stuck, it took seconds for one of the men if not a few to come to their rescue.

So I watched Jason as he talked up the blond at the table he was at, and thought, here's a guy who is average looking, reminds me a bit of Dustin Hoffman, who I think he admires anyway. Probably smart, seems engaging. And he's not looking at the 'average' girl but this beautiful thin tall blond who is preoccupied with, let's face it, shallow issues.

We want what we can't have. Or we let ourselves get lost in what we think we can acquire when we know what the price is going to be. Would Jason be able to talk to this girl, or better yet, would this girl give him the time of day if Jason wasn't in a starring role?

And I fold my napkin onto my lap and allow myself to observe, relax, and talk to fellow BG actors, some I've worked with before, and catch up with them, cracking jokes and listening to everyone's stories.

One BG actor did spiral out of control at one point when we were in holding because she was not getting the attention of this male BG actor who was sitting and talking to another. She got more aggressive towards him, first by interrupting his conversation and then by physically moving closer to him and in his face to get him to interact with her and he was not amused and kept on his conversation. She lost it by stating that everyone was jealous of her, no one cared about her, and she was "used to that". When another BG came over to have a seat, she tried to engage that person by stating along the lines that everyone at that table was against her, and nudged her chin towards the direction of the male actor. The male actor made a crack, "No wonder you never got any waivers," and she got up in a huff and left to complain to another passing BG actor. Nobody knew her, not even the one she tried to start an argument with, not the other passing BG actor she tried to get involved, or the one who sat at the table at the tail end of her dramatic speech before going off in a huff.

On a positive note -- my computer drive replacement came in, it's installed, and I'm up and running! YAYYY!!!