Sunday, August 16, 2009

got confirmation call today

Guess they want to make sure I show up tomorrow. I wonder if this is going to be worth it. Will I truly get a line or will that be b.s.?

Let's see what happens. I tried to eat today and it promptly ruined my stomach. I wonder if I should just give up food for the next couple of weeks, but not being able to eat weakens me so I'm like WTF?

In a way, this used to happen to me, when the summer heat would come, I would just stop eating. It didn't make me feel weird, but I felt like I just didn't really need to eat. And the past couple of weeks have been really weird as far as eating, because I haven't been feeling well and not really into eating anything in particular.

T is worried. I just don't have an appetite. Shocking to T. Or maybe I am headed for a full on depression. I know that money's tight, has been tight, but this is a first if losing the appetite is part of the path to depression.

We'll see how this week goes. I have Tuesday open for possible work. Suddenly everyone and their mother is posting for work and I have to pass on all of it. Not like I had a chance, but you never know.

I will not let myself linger on this. I am already behind the 8 ball by still being in recovery mode.

Slow going. Will be in Bklyn tomorrow. I am grateful I don't have an early AM call, as that would have been killer.

Will take a shower tonight and get my clothing ready for my teacher role. Hmmm.