Sunday, August 30, 2009

volunteer work

A little pensive as I just finished taking a nice hot shower real quick, shampooed, and got out within 2 1/2 songs on the radio. I dried off, changed clothing, and went back to my room. The dog already escaped and went to her dedicated space; she was no longer resting and waiting for me on the bed. My doggie can be so clingy for human companionship that she followed me to the bathroom door, sniffed loudly under it to let me know she was there and she knew I was in there, then went to her room as if to punish me: "You left me alone? Well, I can do that too! You won't see me when you go back to your room, how about them apples?"

Yes, I believe my dog can talk when no one's around. She's very smart. And belligerant.

In any case, I'm resting before changing into my street clothes and heading over to my volunteer gig. There's nothing more zen to me than chopping and cutting up various veggies and wrapping bagels for a poor person's meal. I can just totally clear my head and focus on the veggies and making sure I don't chop my fingers off or cut myself. And for three hours I can get out of my head and hear other people chat about their lives, giving me a slight window into their worlds.

It's a welcome and productive respite.

Now that I've just found out I'm AFTRA must-join, (or must-pay, because that's essentially what it is) it's even more urgent to find a job that will pay me well, so I can start saving for membership. I hear the dues are going up in November (how nice) so I have to get a move on.

The movie Definitely Maybe is playing as I type this. I was in it, but the two scenes I was in, seemingly completely cut out. Sigh. The world of a background actor. *smile*