Thursday, August 27, 2009

times are tough

Phone's not ringing, my normal background agency is not calling me back for anything, and I mean, anything for paid work. Dunno what's going on. I continue to post. I see another judge show coming up. Some of my fellow BG actors have thrown in the towel to take up temp work (temp work is opening up, I can't believe it). I've talked to two agencies and have yet to get together with one (we keep changing the date) and the newest one I just got a lead on to call so I'll do that most likely tomorrow.

I can't believe tomorrow's already Friday. As I type this, I'm hanging out in Queens, visiting some dear family and just finished eating a hearty and healthy lunch of fresh steamed veggies and spicy pork. Delicious! The humidity has tempered off a bit so it's not as hot as it's been for the past two weeks. It's amazing how quickly people bitched about the humidity when we've had one of the coldest wettest summers ever.

People complain just to complain sometimes. Guess it's better than finding an actual solution. Yeah, I should talk.

Got invited to a couple of things that all seem to be converging for the first week of September.

I am stuffed. I'm resting a little so decided to multi-task, get my blog post in and get home, do some wash, and call it a day. Things are pretty slow so I should take advantage of this precious time. I realized for the second time I did not finish the Eat, Pray, Love book, so I figure the book just didn't capture my imagination as I was lead to believe it might. I barely got into India and then ran out of steam, although Italy was cute.

I just can't feel any sympathy for someone who packs in a marriage out of boredom and travels the world to find herself. I am as poor as a churchmouse and can barely gather enough change to ride the subway back and forth for a gig. I can't be envious of a character who would upset her life (not because she was abused or anything, she was simply bored and wondered the "is this all there is"?) and then have the money to go on a world adventure.

Sorry, sour grapes?

In any case, I'm about to sign off this for now. Just checked job sites and it's quiet. Friday should be quiet in any case because those who work are already in 'weekend mode' and don't want to be bothered with returning phone calls and working in great concentration.