Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Depression ad

So I wrote truthfully to a WebMD potential gig for a health segment about depression. I wrote that in these economic times, I doubt they would have any trouble finding people who were suffering from depression. I know I am.

A friend pointed it out to me. I'm tired all the time, I can't even taste my food anymore, I'm eating sporadically, I'm not really excited about many things. The acting thing is sporadic at best and my limited money flow problems are growing not shrinking. Suffice it to say, things don't look very good and haven't for quite for some time.

I don't do 'poor' well, I admit that. I like knowing I can pay the rent next month and that I'm up to date with all my bills if not paid in full. I like knowing my credit isn't shot to hell and that if I want to buy a candy bar without counting my change three times while inwardly debating if I will have enough money for transportation to the next potential gig, I can do that.

They say if you want something to come to you, either focus on it or don't. In other words, don't force it let it come naturally. Well, what if naturally ain't fast enough and you are behind over a month in your bills? What do you do then?

So back to the WebMD ad. If I answer their questions and I'm to their liking, I can move on to an audition. Doesn't mean I get the role, but they get my information whether I get the job or not. Ain't that something? So I dredge up money to ride the train (which is now $4.50) and show up in hopes that I will have what they are looking for in order to land the job.

What is it that they say, a bird in hand...?

In any case, I take the chance so I don't end up inadvertently regretting it later on and show that I'm making an effort to pull myself out of my hole. Let's see what happens.