Sunday, August 2, 2009


So the's going on 9 pm and I still have yet to hear from the casting assistant I spoke to on Friday about tomorrow's call time and shoot location information. She had noted that it would not be an early call when we spoke, and that's good news, but I still have not received an email, as she stated she would "send all the information" [when she got it].

Just went out to get dinner since cooking where I live is considered blasphemy as it's not my kitchen (another story told another time when I'm in a better place and frame of mind).

Picked up a baked ziti from the new place in the neighborhood and walked the dog. Tomorrow, I hope to put the growing flowing basil into a new pot. Must also remember to plant for marigolds. Haven't done that yet. This weather is not really conducive to grow flowers that need sun to flower. Another day of rain. AUGH.