Monday, June 29, 2009

Boy Wonder

Found myself reporting to a church for an overnight gig. It was 7:30, and had started raining. I wore my business casual outfit, a simple grey pinstriped skirt and black small polkadotted french collared long sleeved top, nylons, simple silver earrings and black flats.

I carried a small black tote that held two changes of clothing - a simple brown wrap dress and blue jeans and top. I figured I could wear the black flats with either outfit and that's it.

When I got there, they already had a food setup and it was hot food, which was a delightful surprise. We were hardly there a half hour when they told us we could go eat. They even had dessert! But I abstained from the dessert.

The whole scene was about a kid who loses his parents to a violent crime and he goes on a revenge thing to get those who hurt his family. Reminded me of Batman.
In any case, we were filming in a train station -- a section of the Grand Central using the Shuttle train. We filmed as the train moved, and all I had to do with a couple of other background actors, was react as people rushed past us into another car as the train moved.
After about five takes, we were done, and we were ushered back upstairs. The challenge was staying awake after we had 'lunch' at 1 am. By 5, one of the women had a kid emergency so I got signed out with her as we shared the same scene together and thus I wouldn't be used again.
I gathered my stuff, got paid, and headed towards Grand Central to catch my train. The sky was starting to lighten. By the time I got to my house, the sun was out. I passed a fruit stand and picked up some fresh bananas. I ended up having a brief chat with my building security before calling it a 'night' and headed upstairs. I checked my email and then finally went to sleep.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

work work work

I'm on standby for one movie and put in my availability for two things this week along with my availability for Monday. This is going to be an interesting and busy week. Heard that some people are also waiting. I've put in a reminder to ask about status, so hopefully things will come up roses.

The weather has improved, so I'm looking for more than one gig to get done this week in order to justify my existence.

Funny news: I had been checking out office jobs, and the ad did not state how to send my resume, so I asked for clarification, then got a email response back which totally violated every single rule that one is to ask a prospective employee: their age, their marital status, how many children they have, and what their current and future education plans are.

So I wrote back I'm over 21 and have the federal I.D. to prove I can work in the U.S. -- and how was my marital status and how many children relevant to doing the actual job? I showed my cousin and was advised that I most likely will not get a response back. It's too bad in this day and age that an employer feels that they have a right to ask such questions.

Friday, June 26, 2009

got a gig for tonite!

Awesome -- and getting ready for it. As I type this, I've already bathed, shampooed, shaved, plucked and gotten dressed. I've picked out my two outfits to bring (wear one bring one were the instructions for 'casual' and 'business casual'). I have no idea what else to wear, so I pulled out a simple grey business skirt with my 'french' black long sleeved top and will wear a short grey jacket and black flats to complement it for a 'business casual' look. It's a 'spring into summer' look, but if it's situated in NYC, then black and grey are still the standard.

I also threw in a pair of my favorite jeans, a light top (not white, but has a delicate print) along with the black flats and that's it for the 'casual look'.

We film later on tonight -- I wonder if it'll go into morning. I have to check what I replied to, as I was told I was found on a casting site and they 'checked me out' there, supposedly. I vaguely recall submitting for the project, but had no idea that an agency was the one that apparently placed the ad. I had half a mind to cancel, but I had nothing going on at the moment, and I figure I'll just observe and see what happens this time around. I had heard some not so nice things about this agency, so I know I'm taking a huge chance doing this.

Meanwhile, I'm still hunting for a full time job so I can pay my bills and get out of the living situation I am in. It's time for a change. I am wondering if a roommate situation is the way to go, but we'll see. Until my financial situation stabilizes, I can't go anywhere.

Monday, June 22, 2009

the sun peeks out for the first time in days

I'm rejoicing. Things seem to be lighting up.

Made tea for T so T can relax -- the arthritis T has been kicking T's butt because of this weird weather.

I'm going to throw on a simple dress before heading out to work on my friend's political campaign. I want to be comfortable yet presentable.

So far communication is quiet. I wonder what's going on. I've submitted for some gigs in the meantime and look to getting something for tomorrow. Need to bring in $.

Summer Solstice kicked in -- this morning on the news they had some kind of yoga thing happening at Times Square to celebrate.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I know I was looking forward to warmer weather

...and sunnier where is it? For every one afternoon with some sun, the four days prior to that and four days after that are grey and rainy and cool. Sometimes, just humid. I don't get it. I guess you could say we had a real and decent and long spring. Summer is this weekend, and I wonder if it'll just kick into the 80's and sunny from then until September!

But this rain is getting to me. I'm trying not to let it, and continue to check for paying gigs and work on my friend's campaign and do my volunteer work. It's the stuff that's keeping me sane. You know what I mean?

Meanwhile, another grey rainy day. Sheesh.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

feeling tired but happy

One of the floats during the filming of The Bounty - Fourth of July parade sequence

Baton twirlers kept smiling bravely in the cool June weather.

Kick-ass band had cool dance choreography!

Actor Gerard Butler (Leonidas of 300 movie fame - middle man in dark jeans and dark blue top - his stunt double is in the foreground, as if behind him, wearing same clothing).

The shoot for The Bounty started at 6:30 am for me and ended a little after 8 pm -- checkout took so long it was almost 9 pm by the time I got out. We had over 600 extras, SAG and non-union combined.

Holding area was in an old factory that looked like it was in the process of renovation.

It was a long day but I got to see Gerard Butler -- and he looked great. I could've sworn he was looking at me and smiled at me, but I was like, nahhhh he couldn't be, that hottie checking me out?

In any case, the scene was a Fourth of July parade and we did take after take, shivering in this unusually cool June weather.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Bounty

This is a movie starring Gerald Butler and Jennifer Aniston. Gerald plays a bounty hunter and Jennifer plays a news reporter. They were formerly married then during some case, get together and end up falling in love in the end...supposedly.

Meanwhile, this scene was for a Fourth of July parade, and it was cold. The clouds darkened the sky at one point and it threatened rain. Then the sun peeked out a bit. Then as the sun dipped, it only got cooler. By 7 pm, we were chattering, men and women alike. I was being kept warm by a young man who was only too eager to help. He was a gentleman for the most part though.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Had a busy weekend

This weekend was busy, working on a friend's political campaign, attending a birthday dinner and doing volunteer work. This weekend went so quickly.

Today found me hustling for work again. I had to cancel one appointment I realized I would not make in good time or any time today at all. I got done with everything around 3, then walked the dog and found news that I got a gig for tomorrow.

I'll be working as part of a group for a movie called The Bounty. Have no idea what it's about at this point, but it will be a two day gig and I love that. It calls for a Fourth of July scene, so I'm finally allowed to wear the Fourth of July colors! I'll be wearing blue jeans and a red top, not too fancy, maybe bring the camera for natural effect, as I might be playing a tourist again, who knows?

In any case, it's good news. I am praying that it's an early morning call, that we're out by 4 pm, so that I can rush over to do the political work I'm continuing to work on. Suddenly the sky is getting dark, it's only around 4:45, 4:50 pm, and the sky is getting reallllly dark. It's going to pour. What a crazy June.

Well, I'm going to check some more ads for more work. Gotta keep hustlin'. *smile*

Friday, June 12, 2009

two gigs towards the end of this week - awesome

Wednesday had me working in Long Beach -- we had transportation take us from Manhattan to a private house there. Holding was in a synogogue, and we ate a hot meal there a half hour after we got there, which was nice.

It was pretty good, and we got to refresh ourselves with water and soda and head to the bathroom before gathering our stuff and going to get checked by wardrobe and makeup. The van transported us back and forth and that was fun. We finally got on set, inside the house, and the scene was a lot of fun. We were playing frisky latinas having a bachelorette party and end up attacking the 'stripper' who was there. He was a sweetie and the crew kept carefully blocking the shot and we sat patiently, re-doing the scene take after take. It turned out to be a lot of fun.

They ended up keeping us a bit longer but paid us extra plus gave us transportation to the train station and paid our tickets home. They thanked us several times and even gave us water to go. That I thought was cool. We got to the train station in plenty of time to purchase our tickets, make a last bathroom stop at a pizza place across the street from the train station and buy somes pizza for the ride back. We all enjoyed our pizza and drinks. It was a pleasant ride back to Grand Central and we all kissed, waved or hugged each other goodbye as each of us went our separate ways or paired off with another to go another way.

Yesterday, Thursday, I got a call for a gig for Friday morning. I immediately said yes. The job paid cash, just like the one on Wednesday. It was for a different project and this one was in Manhattan. I found the place easily and it was at the Waverly Inn that they were filming at. I went in and immediately changed into my outfit for the shoot. Upscale restaurant patron, that's me! Hair person came around and expertly fixed my hair and touched up my face with a little powder and voila I was done. There was a lot of blocking and planning of the shoot going on and we patiently shot the scene repeatedly from a couple of angles. The place was tiny and there was only so much elbow space for the crew let alone the lone red camera.

Anyway, another paid in cash gig and we got fed pizza before we left which was fine. It was a nice day and people were nice so it was all good. When I got home, I picked up lunch and ran some errands before settling at home for the rest of the day. I have a busy weekend up and really didn't see the point of hanging out on a Friday night when I had to be up at 8 am Saturday.

I got a text while I was working today for a potential gig on Sunday. I am working Sunday, but since this gig is late in the day, I was able to revise my original no into a yes -- and we'll see what happens. I may call tomorrow to find out the status. It may be too late but what the hey. I found a voicemessage from my agent saying that the client really wanted to see me. So maybe they'll bump it up for more than that amount...but maybe not. I'll ask. We'll see.

Meanwhile, bumped into a fellow BG'er I'm friendly with and she was offered a gig for $175 through an agency that she had sworn she would never work with again. But for that price...well, everything can always be reconsidered. We smiled at each other and I congratulated her. I know I will get mine and it will be good!

For next week, a potential three day gig -- the casting agency will get back to me on it by Sunday. We'll see.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

rain rain go away

Early this morning, probably around 2 or 3 in the AM, it was thundering right above my head. It just got dark again about a half hour ago and it's starting to rain again. A call was put out to cancel the work that was to be done today. I just heard a faint rumbling...thunder. This is a day to hide under the covers and rest. I realized I'd been going pretty non-stop the past several days.

I'm thrilled I have a gig later in the week. There's a sense of release and relief when I get these confirmed. There has been some grumbling online for those who haven't found work in weeks, and I'm curious as to why. Maybe it's just simply they don't have the 'look' these casting people want, and other times, I think it's simply because they have been deemed by someone as unprofessional.

When I go to work, I do what I'm told, with enthusiasm and with a smile on my face. I don't grimace, bitch, or crack jokes about what else I could be doing. I'm there to work, and the pay is what the pay is -- I knew what it was when I took the job so I can't complain.

I think it's starting to catch up with certain people. Plus, the other factor is that a lot of new background players have signed up, due to job loss, so these new faces are going to get preferential treatment. Lucky for me, I have supportive people around me so I don't go into a nose dive every time I don't get a gig. I gently remind casting people I'm around and alive, and let it go at that. I don't take it personally or worse publicly whine about it. Because whether we like it or not, we are guns for hire, we are freelancers, and we live in a feast or famine kind of lifestyle. The actor's life is not for the faint of heart.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Tonight tonight

Watched the Tonys yesterday. Not bad, despite the sound technical problems they kept having, especially in the opening with Elton John slightly off-key. They had to get a hand mike to another singer singing "Sit Down You're Rocking The Boat" number. Neil Patrick Harris as host was very good and has a clear singing voice.

But West Side Story? I'm trying to understand and feel the chemistry between the Argentinian Maria and the soap-opera looking Tony. Was not impressed. Am waiting for a real Puerto Rican to play Maria -- AND win the award. But it was exciting to see that the newest "Anita" won a Tony. Her first time out too. She professed something along the lines that you can do anything as long as you have supportive people surrounding you and by your side. I agree.

Now will beat the bushes to line up some work for the week!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

pics from the 'national bible quiz show' pilot for CMT channel

It was actually quite interesting and fun. I knew some answers but not all -- some were pretty tough. Pat Kiernan of Time Warner Cable's local station NY1 was there to host/emcee. He is a ham.

I ended up staying for both shows so got a decent amount out of it paid in cash at end of shoot and hung out with some of the more familiar BG peeps so the time went quickly, we sat, we clapped, and I had fun.

busy day

Dunkin' Donuts - the breakfast of champions and part of the breakfast we were served -- along with hot (actually hot not cold or lukewarm) breakfast sandwiches also from Dunkin'.

Of course I had to pull the sandwich that was full of poppy seeds -- and thus had to, as discreetly as possible, get stray ones out from between my teeth. Oh boy, was that fun!

Another gig -- this one was described in the email I received as being a six hour job, cash paid.

I arrived early, practically a half hour early, and then noticed the crew were still getting out of their vans and unpacking everything. I finally was allowed upstairs and sat in holding, where no one was familiar. A LOT of people cancelled and the crew, which was pretty big, took a long time inbetween to setup for what was essentially the same scene, possibly two. It had to be taken from many angles and we didn't have enough background, according to the whispers I heard between the PA's.

So we walked, and walked, and pretended to talk on phones, to each other, and us women were dealing wearing our business heels standing around or trying to rest in chairs between takes, wearing our business suits, pretending to conduct business. We repeated the scene as the cameras moved from angle to angle and people were switched around. By 1:00, I had noticed I was starting to get tired.

They had us going back and forth in an office building lobby of white dark veined marble from top to bottom -- that housed Meredith Viera's production company and the International Emmy group upstairs near our holding area (same floor). They even had the Emmy symbol on their door -- pretty cool.

2:00 was rapidly approaching and yet the crew was announcing we had more one scene to shoot. Fantastic. But the linear moves and discussions amongst the crew took time and ate it up. About 2:15, a harried PA or AD announced a 'break for lunch' and that background was to wait until the crew ate. We went upstairs without any other announcement. The crew was already at work eating, and some stragglers were about. The background went to check out the food and started slowly filtering in to get some lunch. No one said anything. I knew what the email said to me. And the money would not be the same amount if I worked the extra hours til god knew when.

They could keep us for another hour (not likely, seeing how long it took for them to discuss and setup shots from before) or we'd be there til 6 or 7 or even 8 o'clock. It just did not make sense financially. I noticed three or four other people discussing to be let go. I had plans for later in the day and staying with no guarantee for extra funds for the effort told me I had to make a decision. It wasn't tough to make. They had us fill out yet another form that was weird -- sort of like a promissory to pay tax on the little funds they gave us. I'm like, you're kidding, right? When they see the hours vs. the pay, it'll be a no brainer -- and they'll probably ask you how'd you get talent to work that long for so cheap?

Interestingly, in the courtyard behind the building, where people who worked there could have their lunch, there were several of these young trees....interesting shape in the leaf!

Back to the 2:00 PM story.
I didn't pick up any lunch and joined the line of those signing out and taking their payment. I changed from my heels to flats and headed out. Called N and filled him in on what had happened, and I only made him laugh. Picked up the latest issue of TimeOut (the 'free' issue) and hopped the trains back home.
Exhausted, I dropped everything off (had a rollie with several changes of clothing! see, I followed the production's instructions to the letter!) and changed into jeans and comfy t-shirt. In danger of falling asleep, I dragged B (who I had found to be in a bad mood because of B's dealings with B's mom) with me to take a walk and get some air and pick up some snacks.

I've been ravenous so I even picked up a Mister Softee vanilla with rainbow sprinkles cone and happily lapped it up as I enjoyed what was left of the day's sunshine. B thanked me afterwards for lifting B out of B's funk. Glad to do so.

Checking online for updates and to submit for possible new gigs. Fighting tiredness -- if I take a 'nap' now, I will be wide awake later and I have to go do my volunteer gig tomorrow in the morning feeling strong and as fresh as a daisy.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Interesting development

Because things have been so quiet this week, I decided to take a chance and go for a gig that sounds a bit out of the norm. I was called today to be a part of a studio audience for a quiz show. A BIBLE quiz show. So this should prove interesting.

Luckily I was advised to dress casual, so I don't have to wear my Sunday best, pardon the pun. Jeans and t-shirt should suffice according to them. Oh, 'cute' t-shirt, not just t-shirt. Hmmm.

They're paying cash on set so I'm not too worried. What I found interesting is this is the company that I tried to get work with prior by signing up with them and they never answered me. They answered me this time.

I put in for another potential gig for Saturday and then I do my volunteer gig on Sunday. Trying to hustle to line stuff up for next week since this week is pretty much done for.

Heading towards SAG-eligible status

I now have two SAG waivers, the first was for Ugly Betty and the second was a 'bump' for Michael & Michael Have Issues (written on a SAG voucher as opposed to AFTRA, interesting).

So as I approach my goal bit by bit, I want to keep this here for safekeeping and to reference from time to time regarding SAG-Eligibility status and how long one can keep it.

"Any performer who works as a principal performer for a minimum of one day on a project (film, commercial, TV show, etc.) where the producer has signed a producer's agreement with SAG, and the performer has been paid at the appropriate SAG daily, three-day, or weekly rate is then considered "SAG-Eligible." A SAG-Eligible performer may continue performing in any number of both SAG or non-SAG productions for a period of 30 days, during which that SAG-Eligible performer is classified as a "Taft-Hartley." After the 30-day Taft-Hartley period has expired, the performer may not work on any further SAG productions until the performer joins the Guild by: paying the initiation fee, paying the first half-year minimum membership dues, and agreeing to abide by the Guild's rules and bylaws. The SAG-Eligible performer does not lose their eligibility to join the Guild should they choose not to join the Guild immediately at the expiration of their Taft-Hartley period. However if not part of a union it is difficult to get a speaking role that would comprise the Taft-Hartley law because the producer can be fined for allowing a non union actor to deliver a line."

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Give me a reason to love you...*singing*

Interesting song on last night's Rescue Me. Like the show a lot, and I'm in sweet anticipation about the ep I worked on, which I had believed would be later in the season, maybe even possibly the last ep for this season. It didn't show last night, so that's good. Tomorrow is Thursday, and this week is not as exciting as last week's was, but that's the way it is, isn't it? Highs and lows.

I checked some more ads, and hopefully things will start looking up for next week. I think this week is basically a wash. Sad but true. T says not to worry, that things will come, when it rains it pours. Sure. Just. Ain't coming fast enough.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The weather has been a bit persnickity. I've been checking ads, calling in, and getting a little anxious to get things continually moving. Today was a bit quiet but found some interesting things to apply to. Although I would much rather be working, it's been quiet. Without the auditions I would've lost my mind. I get rather antsy when a week goes by with no work. I continue to research and submit and hope for the best.
As someone I consider very wise told me today, that things will come. The Universe will answer my call.