Tuesday, June 9, 2009

rain rain go away

Early this morning, probably around 2 or 3 in the AM, it was thundering right above my head. It just got dark again about a half hour ago and it's starting to rain again. A call was put out to cancel the work that was to be done today. I just heard a faint rumbling...thunder. This is a day to hide under the covers and rest. I realized I'd been going pretty non-stop the past several days.

I'm thrilled I have a gig later in the week. There's a sense of release and relief when I get these confirmed. There has been some grumbling online for those who haven't found work in weeks, and I'm curious as to why. Maybe it's just simply they don't have the 'look' these casting people want, and other times, I think it's simply because they have been deemed by someone as unprofessional.

When I go to work, I do what I'm told, with enthusiasm and with a smile on my face. I don't grimace, bitch, or crack jokes about what else I could be doing. I'm there to work, and the pay is what the pay is -- I knew what it was when I took the job so I can't complain.

I think it's starting to catch up with certain people. Plus, the other factor is that a lot of new background players have signed up, due to job loss, so these new faces are going to get preferential treatment. Lucky for me, I have supportive people around me so I don't go into a nose dive every time I don't get a gig. I gently remind casting people I'm around and alive, and let it go at that. I don't take it personally or worse publicly whine about it. Because whether we like it or not, we are guns for hire, we are freelancers, and we live in a feast or famine kind of lifestyle. The actor's life is not for the faint of heart.