Friday, June 12, 2009

two gigs towards the end of this week - awesome

Wednesday had me working in Long Beach -- we had transportation take us from Manhattan to a private house there. Holding was in a synogogue, and we ate a hot meal there a half hour after we got there, which was nice.

It was pretty good, and we got to refresh ourselves with water and soda and head to the bathroom before gathering our stuff and going to get checked by wardrobe and makeup. The van transported us back and forth and that was fun. We finally got on set, inside the house, and the scene was a lot of fun. We were playing frisky latinas having a bachelorette party and end up attacking the 'stripper' who was there. He was a sweetie and the crew kept carefully blocking the shot and we sat patiently, re-doing the scene take after take. It turned out to be a lot of fun.

They ended up keeping us a bit longer but paid us extra plus gave us transportation to the train station and paid our tickets home. They thanked us several times and even gave us water to go. That I thought was cool. We got to the train station in plenty of time to purchase our tickets, make a last bathroom stop at a pizza place across the street from the train station and buy somes pizza for the ride back. We all enjoyed our pizza and drinks. It was a pleasant ride back to Grand Central and we all kissed, waved or hugged each other goodbye as each of us went our separate ways or paired off with another to go another way.

Yesterday, Thursday, I got a call for a gig for Friday morning. I immediately said yes. The job paid cash, just like the one on Wednesday. It was for a different project and this one was in Manhattan. I found the place easily and it was at the Waverly Inn that they were filming at. I went in and immediately changed into my outfit for the shoot. Upscale restaurant patron, that's me! Hair person came around and expertly fixed my hair and touched up my face with a little powder and voila I was done. There was a lot of blocking and planning of the shoot going on and we patiently shot the scene repeatedly from a couple of angles. The place was tiny and there was only so much elbow space for the crew let alone the lone red camera.

Anyway, another paid in cash gig and we got fed pizza before we left which was fine. It was a nice day and people were nice so it was all good. When I got home, I picked up lunch and ran some errands before settling at home for the rest of the day. I have a busy weekend up and really didn't see the point of hanging out on a Friday night when I had to be up at 8 am Saturday.

I got a text while I was working today for a potential gig on Sunday. I am working Sunday, but since this gig is late in the day, I was able to revise my original no into a yes -- and we'll see what happens. I may call tomorrow to find out the status. It may be too late but what the hey. I found a voicemessage from my agent saying that the client really wanted to see me. So maybe they'll bump it up for more than that amount...but maybe not. I'll ask. We'll see.

Meanwhile, bumped into a fellow BG'er I'm friendly with and she was offered a gig for $175 through an agency that she had sworn she would never work with again. But for that price...well, everything can always be reconsidered. We smiled at each other and I congratulated her. I know I will get mine and it will be good!

For next week, a potential three day gig -- the casting agency will get back to me on it by Sunday. We'll see.