Monday, June 8, 2009

Tonight tonight

Watched the Tonys yesterday. Not bad, despite the sound technical problems they kept having, especially in the opening with Elton John slightly off-key. They had to get a hand mike to another singer singing "Sit Down You're Rocking The Boat" number. Neil Patrick Harris as host was very good and has a clear singing voice.

But West Side Story? I'm trying to understand and feel the chemistry between the Argentinian Maria and the soap-opera looking Tony. Was not impressed. Am waiting for a real Puerto Rican to play Maria -- AND win the award. But it was exciting to see that the newest "Anita" won a Tony. Her first time out too. She professed something along the lines that you can do anything as long as you have supportive people surrounding you and by your side. I agree.

Now will beat the bushes to line up some work for the week!