Thursday, April 2, 2009

Waxing Poetic on the late day call

After applying like four times to the same gig and date on four casting notices, I finally got the headsup -- got a phone call today and I called after 11 pm to find out the location/time details. YAYYYYYY it's not a 5 or 6 am report time! WOOHOOEEE!

Good news -- it's a late morning report call AND there will be transportation provided to take us to and from Jersey -- as long as we make sure to show up on time otherwise the van leaves without us and we're on our own to get to the site. I noted that the amount of extras was very small -- I think the first 20-25 are union, the other 25 are non. I like smaller shoots; less confusion, less time wasting, and easier to manueuver us to the next scene/shot.

That also means I may be featured. And I get to dress casual, blue-collar. No heels or dressy outfits that I have to will myself not to wrinkle, sweat in or spill anything on during a twelve hour gig. Goodygoody!

In the meantime, I found out two of my acting buddies will not be on this. I'm sad about that because I have so much fun with them and they make the waiting time between takes go faster. We exchange stories on the background lot, and make each other laugh and act as each other's sounding boards. Plus traveling in numbers is always good, security-wise.

I was planning on picking up a check I'm owed from another gig and to check out a voiceover seminar to audit but hey, when a new paying gig calls...gotta go to the gig, you know? Well, here's to the gig. Let's see how it goes. :-)

I'm excited!

In the meantime, I've submitted for a couple of commercials -- I'm confident and looking forward to more work.