Sunday, April 5, 2009

CBS pilot - "Back"

It's a beautiful day today. I had a 5:30 AM call to play a tourist. I had to bring a prop (brought my digital camera) and a packed knapsack that had extra change of clothes and shoes just in case and managed to get there early. I almost doubted where I was going but made it after getting further confirmation from a fellow BG who happened to be having coffee in a shop nearby. It was dark when I left my home and it was dark when I arrived in Wall Street and the subsequent holding area which was a Chinese restaurant.

I checked in and managed to get my wardrobe approved then changed about when they saw I had options -- I was able to let an actor friend borrow my grey wool jacket since their jacket was deemed "too light" in color by wardrobe. I had not seen this actor friend in a long while so we caught up on things and hung out together for the bulk of the shoot, which was fun. Got to say hi to some of the regulars, although some were missed.

We filmed around Trinity Church, then we were told by the church's own security we had to move it along and so we moved, to another couple of blocks further down. Some lookee-loos were pretty nice and kept it moving after getting a glance, but some wanted to be in the scene and 'blend in with the extras' and thought they could just jump in and no one would be the wiser. One got uppity demanding to know why she couldn't be a part of it, and all I did was shake my head and say "please," And all she could say was why -- my actor friend was going to take the trouble to explain it, but if this visitor wanted to play tourist dumb, I was going to play along and break it down simple: "you need work visa -- take your work papers to that person over there (the PA) and see if they will let you work".

So it was pretty much walking back and forth as pedestrians as the actor Skeet Ulrich looked around, seemingly observant and looking all around him and the World Trade Center site. Skeet is not in any of these photos as we are not allowed to take pictures while filming. He didn't seem all that much taller than me and looked older than I thought he would. I don't know if it was makeup to look that way deliberately or that he's lived a pretty fast or harsh life in Hollywood. He's always presented as 'youthful' on camera. He recently did a series called Jericho on CBS, so perhaps they're looking for another star vehicle for him.
There was a lot of standing and walking in circles, which was rather funny. We got fed breakfast, a hot breakfast, but no lunch. We were let go around 1:30, 1:45, so there was no need to feed us a second meal. It was OK, I was grateful to take the brisk walk to the train station after changing out of my high heeled black leather boots and into my comfy F-UGGS, which is what I call my fake Uggs. Fuggs. *LOL*
In any case, except for the brisk wind that tends to come off the water down on Wall St., it was an otherwise nice and pretty day that ended blessedly early and well. Saw Meredith from Amerifilm Casting -- she was the one casting for this. I said hello and introduced myself to her -- as I had done on Hancock and when I met her at the Amerifilm open casting call over two years ago. She meets so many people, so it's not like she'll remember me. She was very nice to me.
Going to eat dinner. Just wanted to post this before falling asleep and forgetting!