Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Lately I've been seeing a ton of free gigs (read: non-paying) and that one will get a copy of the film and get fed, whatever that means (could be chips and water, sandwiches, snacks, or a real hot meal).

Non-union does not mean free. I'm seeing these postings on paid sites -- sites that I pay a monthly fee in order to have the privilege of accessing and submitting electronically for gigs. Why the f-c-k would I submit on a paid site to a non-paying gig that 99.9 percent of the time will lead NOwhere nor build up my resume anyway?

I'm wondering if I should advise these paid sites that wasting my membership fee by having to scroll down the growing longer every week list of freebie gigs is not adding up to making this monthly payment a viable investment. Nonpaying gigs do not pay my rent either, buddy.

Some of the ads are mildly defensive. I recall one saying that no one else is getting paid and that included the production crew, which I found completely hard to believe. Who the h-e-ll works for free unless they are getting something out of it? Then another ad memorably read something along the lines they are looking for Artists, not people looking to make a dollar. Um, hello? You think the landlord will appreciate my artistry when I explain I can't pay the rent? Um, sure, yeah, right.

It IS a business, and just as the writer, producer and director are dreaming for it to lead to bigger better things for themselves, why can't I dream and pursue the same? Idiots.

Speaking of freebies, here's the latest insult coming from an office that specializes in dealing with only extras -- why they would forward this to me I have no idea but apparently whoever sent it was high on crack. This link is for people who just want to have fun but not necessarily get paid. But hey, you never know. You just might be in the right place at the right time and....presto! You could be a star!
