Friday, July 3, 2009

Facing July 4 weekend as quiet

The sun peeked out today. I ran some errands, picked up some new detergent and bleach as I did a ton of laundry the other day. Nothing like clean sheets and underwear. Hmmm-mmmm!

The basil, sage and lavender are growing quite nicely. With this wet cool summer, it took a while for the seedlings to grow which had me worried.

Got contacted by some more actors who asked what I was up to as they have found work to be scarce. I consider myself lucky to average a gig a week, but it hasn't been easy. A lot of submitting to roles electronically and over the phone, and then the waiting begins as I move on to look for the next project. My cousin tells me not to worry because I tend to have the 'when it rains it pours' thing happening. I will go without work for a few days, then boom, a bunch of gigs will come in practically overlapping each other. I nod in agreement and look to the skies. *LOL*

A prospective gig called me yesterday to say I didn't attach my pic could I send it, which I did as I had them on the phone. Don't know if I'll get it -- moving on. Got a check today that had been opened. Not a "missed sealing the glue" kind of opened, I mean, opened with a letter opener when they couldn't glimpse by poking a hole through the clear bubble window then taped the bottom leaving a fingerprint. Hmmm.

Wonder if I'll go take pics of fireworks or I should just enjoy watching a Gordon Ramsey marathon.