Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Dating Game

Got a call to be a member of a studio audience for a re-make of The Dating Game. Paige Davis, cute perky host of Trading Spaces fame, is the host for this game show. She looked just as she does on television, and had a lovely sleeveless yellow dress. She looked toned and tanned and had her cute short hair cut and these amazing high heels, easily four or five inches high. She was a gracious funny host and thanked the audience several times for coming.

She managed to get through the taping of three separate segments of coupledom questionings and questionable answers wrapped in innuendo. Some good, some not so. The studio was small and filmed in the Rachael Ray studio, the ScreenGems studios over on the East side in Manhattan. It was surprising to find a studio there.

The studio was, of course, freezing. I had forgotten to bring a sweater or a shawl so I tried to think good warm thoughts while sitting next to a noticeably nervous man who kept laughing at inappropriate times and would just blurt out conversations he was having in his head to either me or the woman sitting on the other side of him.

"The sky is blue!" he would blurt, let's say.
Silence. Because neither of us women knew who he was talking to at that moment.
I would see he was looking at me, then I'd say, "Oh, yes." Nod, smile, go back watching the cameramen move about.

This would go on for four hours between takes.

I hadn't eaten in a few days because of a stomach virus, so it was my first official day outside the house and for several hours at that. As I stood on line waiting to get in to the studio, I noticed my phone had an alert -- someone had called. It was from a casting director regarding the re-shoot that supposedly wasn't to happen after all today.

Turns out it was going to and would I be available tonight? I called and said sure, and was advised that they hadn't gotten the final call from the production/director, but once they did, I would be contacted. I said is this the re-shoot, do I wear the same thing or bring something else and was told it would be the re-shoot after all. Ok.

Several hours went by. This was around 1:30 when I got the call. It was around 4 when I got buzzed by the casting person -- I couldn't pick up as they were filming so it went to voicemail. When we broke ten minutes later, I checked the voicemail -- I was being released because they hadn't gotten the final OK from the production. Great.

I had been asked to stay an extra hour and would get an extra $10 for it, so I was like, well, I have nothing else to do, why not? It would have been great to get two gigs in for one day, but hey, one is better than none.

So the Dating Game is essentially the same as the old one, a bachelor or bachelorette asks some silly questions to three people hidden behind a screen and we the audience and the people at home can see everyone.