Sweet gig! In at 8 pm, shot scene several times, which involved the coroner carrying out what looked like a small baby or piece of a person in a small black body bag...with the 'hysterical blonde mom" being escorted out by a cop, apparently arrested, and I was one of the onlookers. The surprise was seeing an actor from Prison Break playing apparently a cop. Still with the buzz cut. He got acknowledgement from some onlookers who were non-background, cheering him on, which was funny. He smiled.
Meanwhile, lunch was at 10 - 10:30 -- not a walkaway but a hot meal of chicken, beef and fish, rice, baked potatoes and cheese ravioli, fresh salad and many fixings and some fantastic desserts along with water, tea and lemonade and then after 11 pm, some of us headed back to set. We were wrapped at midnight. I was able to take the bus back, pick up a celebratory salty chip bag, and headed home, unwinding for the night.
Meanwhile, lunch was at 10 - 10:30 -- not a walkaway but a hot meal of chicken, beef and fish, rice, baked potatoes and cheese ravioli, fresh salad and many fixings and some fantastic desserts along with water, tea and lemonade and then after 11 pm, some of us headed back to set. We were wrapped at midnight. I was able to take the bus back, pick up a celebratory salty chip bag, and headed home, unwinding for the night.