Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Letter to Whitney

I watched the Oprah two parter with her interviewing Whitney.

It merely confirmed what I already suspected. You don't need to live with someone in their home to know certain things ring true.

She obviously still loves her ex-or soon to be ex husband.

She still wants others to tell her what to do.

She exchanges one addiction for another. Whether it's someone else having control over her, or getting off the drugs and....she mentioned that she 'never drank' but she's picking up a 'glass' here and there. Hmmmm...

She will not own her addictions. She still has not yet even acknowledged that she LIED in that infamous interview that she did not "do crack". Yet she plays semantics with saying "cocaine crack". The crack part rushed out of one side of her mouth. Ummmm. Ok. Crack is crack baby, and you SMOKED it with weed, which explains...the most apparent devastation. But I'll get to that in a minute.

She did not apologize to her mom, her fans, to Oprah or Clive. She has stopped short of saying this, but she essentially said fuck you to her fans and the music industry and to Clive and went to go be married while rumors of her being gay were swirling madly. She has yet to even address Robin and whether or not she was involved with her or not. If you are going to set the record straight, Whitney, then SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT. Be an open book. Shit or get off the pot.

Back to the crack cocaine and weed devastation. Most apparent? Her voice. She said fuck you to her voice, the 'gift that God gave her' by all the cocaine/crack/weed smoking she did. That explains the surgeries and voice doctors that were trying to clean her up. It's why she sounds like she has a nasty cold when she talks and her singing sounds rough and choppy. She said fuck you to God. She turned her back because she was so angry, I guess. I would be too if I had to give up what I wanted for "appearances". I recall her ex saying something that Whitney seemed to see herself a certain way and didn't understand that music is a business. I have to find the exact quote but it was very telling and intelligent and dead on.

There was a lot of money at stake for Ms. Whitney. Whether the ex was a convenient foil, I'm sure he got his money's worth too. Maybe he really did love her, maybe he was just tired of being her paid beard or the snickers from the females and gay crowd who believed they knew better, I don't know. It sounds like a lot of denial went on in that house of hers and they were both hurt, angry and tired...and not getting any younger. Time was passing and their child was growing up and seeing way too much for years. I'm sure the anger sex was dynamite. At least we know they had one encounter, because they have a child. The ex has said this was to shut everybody up. I don't know. A lot of lesbians can get pregnant and carry a child and give birth too. It doesn't change anything Whitney.

I agreed with Wendy W. talking on her show about Whitney not owning her addiction to drugs. I don't always agree with Wendy but I was wondering the same thing and everyone was too busy to prop tired ol' Whitney up to say anything that might be perceived as negative. I mean, come on, Clive in the audience? What was the old creaky man going to do, catch her if she fell off the stage due to a dizzy spell on methadone? Give me a break.

Whitney's got a longggg way to go as far as recovery. And I think she's doing this just to say thank you but not necessarily to get a career up and running again. Those days are over. Even if you say to us, "oh, I'm going to be here a long time and keep making music because it's what I love to do and I want to show that I mean business on getting healthy and making money," or whatever, the bottom line is, you are done. Your voice is permanently destroyed. You are done. The doctors and Clive did the best they can. But you are done. Get better for yourself and your child, not for your fans or Oprah. Thank you for letting us know you are working on that but just go honey, and your fans are going to just have to be fans from afar and get a life of their own.

And don't tell me, Oh, we can relate to Whitney because we've had troubles/drug problems/spit on me shit happen. You and Whitney will never relate because you have never made her money, had her career or had her life. You don't know and you will never know so therefore, if seeing her drugged up or abused makes you feel somewhat comforted that you have something in common, YOU need to get yourself committed to the funny farm and fast. I am so done with this Jerry Springer era bullshit of where we laugh or are comforted in knowing people are 'worse off' than us.

And Oprah you chicken-shit, you didn't really push the tough questions on Whitney. Shame on you. But I know that Whitney wouldn't have come on if you were going to, and all sit up and pray and just hope for the best. You did this as a favor to her and Clive and you are not fooling anybody. You know Whitney is basically a dead man walking. She doesn't have much time left on this planet.

What really scares me is her daughter is talking of a music career. Well, that and how Whitney's mom had to tell Whitney that enough was fucking enough. What if her mom was dead? Then what? Would she have stood up and walked out if not for herself then for her kid then? Don't think so. And that's sad. It makes me also aware of how repetitious the cycle of tragedy is. This girl comes from not one but BOTH PARENTS that are addicts. And she talks of how she is 'friends' or 'best friends' with Whitney and she's not even 18. You are not best friends with your mother. She is not your equal. That's how much growing up this child had to do -- how much living she had to do away from her mother because her mother was too busy trying to conform to everybody's notion of what her life and happiness should be.

If Whitney ever decides to come out, it would definitely explain all of this nightmare. Because a lot of people, when they fight against who they are because they are afraid of not being accepted (or losing money or a career out of the process) and they happen to come from a religious background, it's just a sad losing battle that either takes your mind, your heart, your soul or your body. Or some other innocent like your child in the process. You end up dead in a tragic way.

So heed the signs, Whitney. God will love you no matter what you are or who you love. And once you understand that, you can let go of your fear of others' preconceptions, and open up dialogue for others who are still struggling with their fears holding them back. You could be an inspiration on another level -- if you wanted to. Or you can simply take care of the few years left your child will need you -- then what?

I understand bills need to be paid, but this is what got you into your mess in the first place. I wonder how many of these "oh I love Whitney" fans would drop you in a hot second if they REALLY knew who you are -- and not that sweet commercial prepackaging that Clive put you in?

Take care anyways,

signed a Realist