Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Played a homeless person. This was interesting, because I was to stand in a food line, and then another scene I was to just walk on the sidewalk, past the 'bad guy' the 'cops' were following and past the cop car. So that was great.

Walking past the camera, I just quietly got into the whole idea of being homeless or hungry. I know what it's like to go hungry and I know what it's like to be without. Thankfully never homeless, but recalled some close calls. Mostly I could relate to hunger. My mind engaged, my body naturally followed. I hunched my shoulders, hugged my stomach, twirled a piece of my clothing in one hand, as if nervous. I wanted to hide, not be seen, felt the shame and the hunger.

And then I noticed that the camera noticed, and I was being slowed down for the camera work by the crew, being cued, and shuffling along, pantomining my "God bless you," nodding to the 'charity worker' who was handing out 'lunch tickets' by the church food entrance for us homeless people to get a plate of food to eat. It was funny because the first time we shot the scene, the woman seemed at a loss on how to deal with me, and she couldn't 'pretend' to hand me a ticket. Turns out she didn't have any and couldn't pretend, or wasn't sure if I wasn't truly a homeless person! Either way, we shot it again, she had the ticket, and I pantomined again, and this time she was ready with a ticket, and I shuffled along with it. We shot it a couple of more times, and they changed things around, this time with the Stabler character within earshot stating his lines 'investigating' about a man visiting the shelter to the 'church director'. That was pretty cool, getting to hear things live and be that close.

After shooting the two scenes, I felt a little lightheaded but didn't think anything of it, and walked back to set, and thinking perhaps I just needed to eat something and I'd be fine.

It was the first major warm day, the sun was beaming, and I was layered with clothing, including a fleece sweater, and I got a bit nauseous with a blazing headache and had to lie down. I was turning white as a sheet and trying not to shake as I went to the rest room to splash some water on my face.

I tried to rest and asked for some ibru. The headache moved from my head to stomach and I was queasy. The medic came back after one of the BG'ers noticed my color didn't look right, and I went to rest on the stage in holding, quietly, for twenty minutes. I kept apologizing to the PA's and hoped I didn't mess up their shot, but the PA said it was OK and not to worry and if I couldn't stay that was OK. The medic came back with some Gatorade which I mixed with regular water to sip, then when I felt better, signed some paperwork the medic said I had to fill out for him to record the incident, and then I was allowed to go home. I got a cab pretty quick and when I got home, I took a quick shower and crawled into bed with some ibru and after a little bit of food took a nap.

What a day! My first time ever being sick on set. Sigh.