Tuesday, July 27, 2010

post post post

I know it's been awhile, but the background gigs have been few and far between, mostly because I've been focusing more on the day job. Had to buy a new computer as the old one went on the fritz so saving money for that as well as for that goal of going union became the priorities.

So I had to dip into the funds and research the new computer. I'm currently on a diet, and have lost some weight, the healthy way, by reducing snacks, eating more fruits and veggies, and drinking plenty of water and tea. Working with small weights to tone and strengthen the arms too. This has helped and I don't feel so deprived. I have made peace that nothing was going to happen quick, especially weight loss results if I was serious about keeping the weight off.

So in some ways I continue my background career, looking for those gigs that land on weekends. I'm also submitting for commercials and print work, and re-started my Backstage subscription. We'll see how things go. I continue to keep it moving, never wavering from my goal -- to become a professional, paid good actress.