Sunday, October 18, 2009

tonight is Bored to Death

I don't know if I'm even going to show up on camera, even though I sat directly across from actor Jason Schwartzman in a scene at the Russian club/bar place. He was nice to make small talk with background, asking about favorite movies and what we liked about NYC. What I liked was his comment about walking down the street here and picking up on other people's conversations, something that doesn't happen as much in L.A. He seemed sweet.

I ended up dancing with an extra I had worked with on a prior gig, he was this big muscle bound Mr. Clean looking kind of guy, and we just joked and danced before the final scene which involved him with several other men chair lifting Jason and a fellow actor in a crowd dancing vodka drinking sequence. *smile* That was a good memory. After that, everyone quickly dispersed as they called it a wrap.

I remember wearing these Steve Madden black shoes that were quite comfortable despite the heel height. It was one of those heavy front strapped kind that was popular last year. I was dressed head to toe in black in the tackiest pieces I could find to wear...and it ended up being approved for wardrobe!

Looking to find work for nights and weekends in voiceovers. I keep looking.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

voiceover gig went well, done in an hour

And it was, as some like to say, 'easy peasy'! I already have my 15, 30 and 60 second voice segments, and it's to air on local radio already. Now it's a matter of getting paid. I'm definitely psyched!

Meanwhile, the SVU episode where I appear as a juror showed this past week and you can see me for like two seconds behind Christine Lahti. Then this week on Bored to Death, the ep where I appear as part of a Russian restaurant club scene is to air. It's wild to see how these things are finally coming to light.

I put in for a background gig this weekend but I haven't heard anything. At this point, the only time I can work background is on a weekend. My focus is more on voiceover work. I want to do more paying gig ones! Let's see what happens next.

Went to a friend of a friend's off-off-off-off-Broadway show. It was pretty cute, I had a laugh or two. It's good to support your fellow actors.