Saturday, March 21, 2009

Another day on SALT

It was a battle to stay awake -- but we did it in some way, shape, or form. One way or another. Exhausted, today was our "final" day filming in NYC for SALT. For now.

A 6:15 AM report call. Jesus. I stumbled in on time but the line was killer long and snaked through the hall and past the women's bathroom and looped through a conference room situated beyond that. It was an indicator of how long today was going to be. I got to play a spectator AND a mourner same day a dual role I had assigned to me all along. Had to change mid-way through the morning and shivered in the thin black dress I wore as a mourner -- although we had been told we'd be brought into the church, we shivered outside instead as a spectator anyway wearing our uptown mourner chic clothing. Finally got to see Angelina Jolie in a scene where's she's walked out in handcuffs covered in dust from the supposed explosion in the church and she looks just as she does in photographs. Fabulous cheekbones and angles. She looks very thin and about my height. I didn't dare take a picture of her although others were trying to be slick with their cell phones. I don't know why, but cell phone pictures are just not the same quality and certainly don't have the same zoom power as a camera would.

The early morning schedule and subsequent huge mob of extras to organize and fit into a scene took time and also took a lot out of us.

In any case, saw the jerkaholic who was waiting patiently to take his photo of Angelina. I wanted to laugh out loud and have him tossed out, but it's Hollywood and one must learn to play the game. I wonder if Angelina even knew about what happened. Must take a page from her book as to how she even deals with these types.