Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Just got an email

From the writer/director kind of ducking out of the film festival where the film had been made an official selection.  The viewing is coming up in a week and the W/D is now messing with the transportation arrangements and how it would be expensive to attend the red carpet for the festival.  And also seems to be encouraging that the actors rely on each other for transportation although this was already set and done by the W/D in the first place.  So I'm like...whahhhht?

The W/D KNEW about this, way ahead of time and could have arranged for at least one actor to go to the screening and pay their way as far as handling transportation and attending the red carpet.  Maybe the W/D might have felt it wouldn't have been fair if all of the actors couldn't go, but my concern is this -- you submit a film to a festival that turns out to be pretty out of the way for all the actors perhaps save one besides the W/D.  The W/D has two cars and could finagle a third if the W/D at least pays for the gas for the third which belongs to one of the actors to entice him to bring people to attend and pay to see the screening later. 

Yet, there again seems to be no line of forethought, no foreshadowing.  There continues to be a lack of information and consideration.  Stuff that doesn't sit right or add up in a logical way just piles up.

I asked on a separate note about whether the W/D was still interested in doing a film project/idea we tossed back and forth.  And my friends are convinced the W/D is me and it's not going to go anywhere because it's possible I inadvertently hurt the W/D's feelings by writing a better version of a screen play the W/D presented to me.

The W/D is very much in love with what they put down and want every word and action kept exactly as they write it, the problem is it's not very dynamic and several scenes can be cut because it's quite frankly, extraneous and doesn't add anything important to the script.  I tried to pare it down and still have work to pare it down further, but the W/D admitted to liking what they saw in my version.  This became the sticking point for my friends who advise I stepped on the W/D's ego and most likely it won't get done, despite mine being the better written piece.

In any case, the month of May is about to come to a close and I am no where closer to getting anything done on this, and I was hoping to at least work on a trailer.  I wrote up, storyboarded, two versions of the teaser, and hope to film it shortly, like the next couple of weeks.  But of course, life calls -- I've got rent to pay, a phone bill to pare down and a cable/internet bill that's important to keep going as I electronically submit for acting gigs on a daily basis.  Oh and did I mention a phone bill?

I'm annoyed, a bit frustrated and trying not to get negative or down on myself.  I do not need to spiral into depression.  As I say, we will see.  I have it so clear in my head about the trailer, I just need the cooperation, time, and tape to film it and off we go.  An old camera, it is not completely digital, but uses a special tape.  I will have to figure this out or record it on a small bitty camera or rent one, it's gotta be done.

Having trouble sleeping.  Got a new script for another project that most likely won't see the light of day.  I'm getting annoyed.  Must stop typing.  Sun rising.  Did not sleep again tonight and my hair feels like a rat's nest.  Have things to do today but no audition and no acting work.  Not even BG work.  Sigh.  Must keep moving.  May go through my editing for the script or just try to get a couple hours sleep.  No bueno.