Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The more things change...the more they stay the same

Finally....after two long years of just solidly doing background and commercial work -- yes finally graduated to doing commercial gigs, amen and hallelujah -- I finally got a co-lead role on a web series.  And in the mail I got...the INVITE.  From the union, to join.  I am now eligible to join.  I was a bit surprised, and also felt like crying.  This was something that should have been in my hands eons ago.  Yet here it is, finally, in my hand, that's my name on the envelope and on the letter, right home address.  Oh my GAWD. 

Never in a million years did I think I would ever get to this place.  But I did it.  Finally!  Of course, having made some working contacts, and putting my wish out to the universe for something to put on a reel, this came into being.  I am so grateful, satisfied, and with the feeling "it's about damned time!" added to it.

Next step?  I could sit and enjoy this, savor it.  Yes, I sure could.  And I will.  Then it's off to start making more commercial money in order to go union.  I also need to add some more tasty meaty roles while still nonunion in order to build up the resume.  While I love background work and it will always have a place in my heart, my humble beginnings, I must also push forward and move up.

And I must frame this letter.  Lordy.  I'm eligible!!!!