Sunday, March 2, 2014

Wrapped two projects over the course of three days.  At first, it seemed I had three projects lined up, and spoke too soon, letting the good news out.  Now I know I temporarily lost my mind, and paid for it.  But then I regained two of the three projects.  Plus both gigs were paid gigs.  So all's well.  Watched the Oscars tonight, and checking online media in real time, and the haters were out in full force, talking about how boring this year is, and all I can think of is, that's where I want to be, nominated and WINNING.  Well, of course, some day.  One day. 

First project was a one day gig, an "abstract" re-enactment that would not involve featuring my face, and be more along my hand movements, leg movements, back of head, that kind of thing.  I was kind of surprised they still wanted me to sign an image release form.  I typed on a laptop for a sequence and impressed the director who had not realized I was really typing sentences over and over.  He thought I was moving too fast but I slowed down and then explained that my dayjob is as an office assistant.  So he was amused a bit.  The filming went smoothly for the most part, although they seemed to discuss at length about camera angles and mountings for angles and film record speeds.  Otherwise, we did well, and changing my outfits went quick and productive.

We were filming somewhere in Jersey, and it was cold, snow still everywhere.  Despite freezing a bit, we finally got to focus on my work and it was great.

Then I worked over the weekend the two day filming for something I'm being told will be submitted to film festivals.  I am really hoping to see this and hope they follow through.  The filming was quite organized, and we were fed, and kept warm and dry.  We would start filming around 10 and be done by 4, and we got paid at the end of the second day.  One of the better gigs I've had, and paid one at that, not bad.

So I hadn't had a day off in ten days, which was OK.  I was tired but happy.  Then, as it seems to be with the acting world, there were no bites or leads for more acting gigs the following week, it was quiet.  So I faced a weekend where I could catch up on errands, walk the dog and sleep.

I awoke today from some sad heavy dream that put me in a very sad quiet mood.  Have no idea what it was, and yet it kept me in a dark place.  I didn't shake it until a couple of hours ago, and even then, I am not looking forward to going back to the office tomorrow.  Partly because it's an office gig where the people are clearly clueless on how to speak to each other and even more ignorant when it comes to speaking to people who aren't their employee, someone who doesn't answer to them or their respective boss or supervisor.

It helps to have a steady gig while I pursue acting opportunities.  But I exchange one headache for another.  While I take a temp gig to keep the wolf from my door, I still have to struggle with people's quirks, ignorance and stupidity.  This should keep me humbled, reminded and focused that this is not where I want or aspire to be, that my life and career is elsewhere. 

I continue to take notes, remind myself, observe and move towards what I want to do and need to accomplish.